conception, set design and spatial actions : christian rizzo
lighting : caty olive
electronics : gerome nox
bass, bass guitar : bruno chevillon
drums, etc. : didier ambact
sound : roland auffret
stage manager : jean-michel hugo

producer : l'Association Fragile
coproduced by: Le Quartz, scene nationale de Brest - Le Vivat, scene conventionnee d'Armentieres.
with support from the Centre National de la Danse de Pantin

Live music and lighting have always been very important in my work.
Now I'd like to go more deeply into the relationship that sound has with light phenomena and spatial actions. In order to stop seeing these media as accompaniments to dance, I decided to create a dialogue between them where the dancing is not the focus of the performance.
The 4 performers and I (electronics, drums, bass and lighting) will attempt to connect and weave together our individual processes using notions of mass, detail and appearance -disappearance.
This " visual concert " is an experiment in which the body is fragmented by time, space and electric movement.
This new Association Fragile adventure opened in Brest at the Festival des Antipodes, featuring three musicians and longstanding partners (Gerome Nox, Bruno Chevillon and Didier Ambact) as well as Caty Olive who has been our lighting designer since 1998.
Choosing these artists for this project has allowed me to continue exploring my obsessions about theatre and life.
This proposal - centred around a score for sound, light and space - could also be seen as the first stage of a new piece for 2007.
christian rizzo

"The set is minimalist, containing almost nothing.
Just two white panels and a few props. The musicians - an exceptional trio composed of Gerome Nox on electronics, the terrific drummer Didier Ambact, and Bruno Chevillon who " plays " bass and electric guitar - and stage manager Caty Olive (who modulates the lighting as if caressing the void) are relegated to stage left, along an " offside " line.
That's all there is. Christian Rizzo walks onstage. It's a cold start-up - as if to conjure up a blank page, or the texture of a bare canvas. Who's going to kick off? It's anyone's guess.
You're immediately caught up in a world where time is suspended, prolonged, and punctuated by pulsating music that alternately massages and hammers the atmosphere.
Rizzo stretches with the space, gliding panels like tectonic plates, reshaping how you see, diffracting perspectives and dissolving borders. As the stage dissolves, one is left with the impression of dream images that persist throughout the day, or the afterglow from a parallel world.
Christian Rizzo's body seems to melt into this architecture of sound, light, signs and gestures that establish a different way of seeing, perceiving space and time.
Is it a performance?
Provided that you allow yourself to slide into this uncharted world and get caught up in the contemplation.
If so, it will really grab you."
Agnes Izrine - magazine Danser- May 06